Name First Last Email(Required) What are your feelings on development in Little Falls? Do you think the recent development is good for the town? I am against the way our town has been developed. I am for the way our town has been developed. Would you be in favor of metered parking on Main Street in Little Falls? No, I don’t want any metered parking on Main Street. Yes, I think metered parking on Main Street is a good idea. Would you be in favor of a retail cannabis store on Route 46 in Little Falls? Yes, I would be in favor. No, I would not be in favor. Do you feel the town has adequate parking? Yes, I always find a parking spot. No, I never can find a parking spot. Would you be in favor of a retail cannabis store on Rt. 46 if the revenue could help stabilize your taxes? (revenue from a cannabis establishment could bring in around $400,000 per year in revenue for the township) Yes, I would be in favor. No, I would not be in favor. Would you be for or against making Paterson Avenue & Maple Street one-way streets? Yes, I would be in favor. No, I would not be in favor Are you interested in getting involved or running for public office? Yes, I would like to get involved No, I would not like to get involved What events/activities would you like to see that are not currently organized by the township?Rate your concerns with the below topics 1-5 (1 not concerned 5 extremely concerned):Development12345Taxes12345Traffic12345Parking12345Debt12345NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.